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Welcome to the Food & Beverage 180 portal. This portal is an internal repository for all aspects of FB180.
FB180 is a holistic methodology that analyses the whole sales and consulting process from its inception at the lead generation stage all the way through to project delivery and aftercare support.



Add value to the sales experience by analysing and immersing themselves within customer operation and so that the we can thoroughly understand the business, the challenges, the opportunities and the drivers.

  • Engage customer to obtain details about problem, decision criteria, and time frame
  • Qualification to progress
  • Help Customer to evaluate and determine Oracle as the best vendor to help with their business problem


  • Validate that the qualification is correct and this is a viable opportunity
  • Identify the Key Stakeholders, Coaches, Anti-Sponsors and Sponsors
  • Add value and removal of obstacles – real or perceived
  • Engage with the FBGBU Discovery Methodology to improve quality of process through to Customer Success
  • Provide a ‘foot-in-the-door’ at Discovery for Consulting Sales and EMM to articulate proposition
  • Standardised business analysis outputs at this stage so that it can add value and benefit subsequent stages


Below describes the typical process flows including references to documents or actions that may need to be completed to support this phase:

  • Research gathered from all available forms; digital channels (online/social media), on site visits, interviews or RFx documents if applicable
  • SE (Solution and Consulting) review discovery materials and the Process Mapping complete
  • Engage with Consulting Sales and EMM team
  • Initiate the process to engage with the ROI Tool where applicable
  • Account Plan Updated identifying all Red Flags, SWOT, Barriers to Win and a Strategic Plan
  • Validate the qualification of the opportunity - Go / No Go Decision


Acronym: Type: Definition:
EMM Resource Enterprise Menu Management
RFx Document Request For x (Request for Information or Proposal)
ROI Document Return On Investment
SWOT Document Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
SE Resource Solution Engineer
XLOB Acronym Cross (X) Line Of Business

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